Mandela: The prisoner Nasser Al-Shawish is missing nothing but freedom, which will only be achieved through unity, and the Israeli authorities refuse to unite him with his crippled brother in one prison

Subject to punitive measures, the prisoner Nasser Jamal Al-Shawish, the most prominent leader of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, lives deprived of seeing his two detained brothers. For the sixth year in a row, the prison administration continues to prevent him from continuing his university studies and imposes arbitrary restrictions and punishments on him as part of the policy of revenge because of his role and national activism before and during his arrest.

During the visit of lawyer Buthaina Duqmaq, head of the Mandela Foundation for the Care of Prisoners and Detainees, to the Shawish languishing in Shata prison, he pointed out that the occupation authorities continued to prevent him and dozens of prisoners from continuing their legitimate right to study in universities under false pretexts and arguments. And the academic, although the Prisons Authority law guarantees them that right, but the administration issued unjust decisions depriving a large number of prisoners of this right, calling for the resolution of the cases of prisoners banned from higher studies and the formation of a specialized legal committee to file cases against the prison authority.

We only need freedom

Duqmaq reported that the prisoner Al-Shawish, who hails from the city of Tubas, was born in 1975 and was pursued by the occupation during the Al-Aqsa Intifada. He was arrested on 3/6/2002 and sentenced to life imprisonment. He is the father of two children. Al-Arabi, through the books inside the prison, told her during his visit, “We only lack freedom, which will only be achieved through unity of the ranks and the consolidation of all energies to continue the march towards the establishment of our fully sovereign state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.”

Application of the reconciliation agreement

The prisoner Al-Shawish, one of the leaders of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs, the military wing of the Fatah movement, expressed the prisoners’ optimism after the signing of the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas.

We congratulate the reconciliation, which is the hope and dream of all our people, to end the black era, and we support accelerating the formation of the Palestinian government, and we encourage the Palestinian leadership to confront Israeli arrogance.

He added, “As prisoners, we call on the masses of our people and all forces to rally around the Palestinian leadership to stand united in the face of Israel’s plans, and to go to the United Nations General Assembly to achieve the entitlement of September, because that is the safest option for the Palestinian cause, because even US President Obama, in his speech to AIPAC, sided with Completely biased towards Israel, but at the expense of historically legitimate rights. Therefore, we appeal to all the Palestinian people to support the Palestinian leadership to rise to the level of the event, impose our agenda and cause, and achieve our just and legitimate rights.

The prisoner Al-Shawish expressed the prisoners’ pride in the position and movement of the Arab youth, hoping that it would be in the interest of supporting the Palestinian cause. He added, “We hope for Arab change.”

Patients’ conditions

During his speech to attorney Duqmaq, the prisoner, al-Shawish, referred to the deteriorating conditions of sick prisoners and the neglect of the prison administration to treat them, and said, “There is programmed neglect from the prison clinic and there is no real care for patients, and the doctor prescribes for all sick cases drinking water as a treatment.”

Al-Shawish mentioned that one of the prisoners began to suffer from problems in his ears after the water leaked into them, and because of the administration’s refusal to treat him, the prisoners take this with folk recipes, where they heat the oil and treat it in it, but it is not enough, and the patients need a wide campaign to compel the prison administration to treat them.

Palestine TV

Al-Shawish called on Palestine TV to give the issue of the prisoners wide areas and a wider space in its programs and follow-up, and said, “There is no real interest in the prisoners, and we only see the great effort in the “For Your sake” program, which we hope will become daily and be limited to one episode and allocate other programs that put our cause in its true place. It triumphs for our rights, expresses our message, and focuses on the families of Gaza prisoners who are deprived of visits

Brothers of their prison squad

But Nasser’s story has other details. In addition to him, his two brothers Khaled and Muhammad are in the occupation’s prisons, and despite the three brothers’ efforts to gather them in one prison, the prison administration still refuses, despite Khaled’s urgent need to help and care for his brothers, as he suffers from paralysis and disability caused by being shot by the occupation.

Although she traveled to the prison gates to visit her three sons, whom the occupation deprived her of, the mother’s greatest concern and fear is the need for “Um Adel,” who has passed the sixth decade, the deteriorating health condition of Khaled (32 years), and the prison administration’s neglect of his treatment.

She said, “We live in constant fear for the life of my son, who is considered a resident in Ramle Hospital, but in fact the administration does not provide him with the required treatment. Despite the protest and the demand for the introduction of a medical committee to follow up on his condition, it neglects his condition and refuses to allow anyone to examine him and help him. Therefore, the case of Khaled is my great concern and my wound.” She added, “My son was martyred.” Musa in 1992, but I did not feel pain and sadness except for Khaled’s harsh fate and life.”

Khaled Al-Monadel

And in his first years of life, Khaled began the path of struggle and sacrifice, so the occupation punishes him continuously to take revenge on him because of his national struggles and stances. In the first intifada, he was one of the founder and leader of the Black Panther groups, and when the second intifada broke out, the occupation forces included his name on the wanted lists and he was subjected to several assassinations.

His wife, Umm Qutaiba, said, “Through the two intifadas, Khaled lived chased and targeted until the occupation forces managed to injure him in Ramallah. When the occupation forces invaded it during the year 2002, he confronted them with the resistance fighters and was hit by an Israeli bullet of a 500 caliber machine gun in his hand and spine, which led to him being semi-paralyzed, and after sustaining him.” In a coma for 72 days, he miraculously escaped death, and doctors decided to implant him with platinum. She added, the occupation forces continued to chase him because he is considered one of the founders of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the Arab Bank, and he lived while he was seated next to the late President Abu Ammar in the boycott and remained with the president even during the siege of the boycott. For his land and his homeland and considered him as one of his sons.

Arrest and suffering

Khaled continued his treatment in Abu Raya Hospital, while the occupation continued to ambush him until he was arrested on 25/6/2005 in a special operation and he was taken to prison without his electric chair and was placed on an iron chair by the occupation soldiers, and after investigation for 4 months he was transferred to a hospital Ramle prison and there, despite his health condition and being a wheelchair, the hospital administration did not take into account his condition and did not provide him with treatment.

Umm Qutaiba said that Khaled is living in a tragic condition, as he still suffers from the presence of shrapnel inside his flank and near the spine and spinal cord. Especially to treat the shrapnel in his body, but the administration refuses to provide it.

And she added, for the fourth year in a row, the administration still refuses to give him needles, and he is always subjected to penalties and searches, and they even deprive him of giving gifts to his four children, and the administration refuses to allow him to bring in any needs of his family.

Recently, the Israeli sanctions affected Khaled’s wife and son Qutaiba. The occupation authorities refused to allow them to visit him a year ago, under the pretext of the security ban.